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Weather temperature in Hollywood, Florida, United States Of America Welcome to Phil the Thrill Software! IP Address Lookup

Simple programs - designed to just work.  In a world full of bloatware, our programs are designed to be small in size.  Our programs are given away at no-cost to the end-user.  (Here is why we do that.)
So browse our offerings.  Take them for a test-drive.  It's encouraged.

2020-10: Updated Multi-Click Mouser  A simple way to balance a to-do list with functionality without getting too complicated.  Download the program here.
2023-04: Updated Guild Wars 2 Login Assistant for Guild Wars 2.  Download the program here.

2022-05: Updated Trading Post Express Helper for Guild Wars 2.  Download the program here.

2021-11: Updated Simple Internet Status.  This is a much needed update with lots of under-the-hood improvements and a guide to resolve internet problems before calling Technical Support.  Download the program here.

2020-04: Updated Simple Task List.  A simple way to balance a to-do list with functionality without getting too complicated.  Download the program here.
2020-03: Updated Host This!  A program which reduces the amount of advertising one sees on the Internet.  Download the program here.
2020-03: Updated Star Wars: The Old Republic Login Assistant.  Download the program here.
2020-01: Rebranded and rebuilt the website.  The change was much needed.

2019-12: Released Simple Control Panel.  A simple look inside your computer.  Download the program here.
2019-04: Released NoScreensavers.  A program which prevents the activation of a computer's screensaver.  Download the program here.

2017-02: Released Simple Program Launcher.  This allows for finding and organising all those programs which accumulate on a computer.  Download the program here.

2016-08: Donald Trump pays a visit to South Florida.  Curiousity demanded that we attended.  Here is the report.
    2020 Update: The actual stream has been taken down.

All material on this website is covered under copyright laws 2011-2023.   But you knew that already, didn't you?