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Classic Utilities

A collection of classic utilities I have written for myself.  I've added some documentation and a GUI and released them.  These programs are not intended to be updated.

Hibernate:  Puts your computer into Hibernation.  This assumes your computer can enter hibernation.  For more funcationality, see Scheduled-Off.

Logoff:  This program will log off the current user in two (2) minutes.  For more funcationality, see Scheduled-Off.

Mouse Clicker: Pressing Left-Control is the same as left-clicking your mouse.  For more functionality, see Multi-Click Mouser.

Reboot:  This program will reboot your computer.   You have a two (2) minute window.  Save your work.  For more funcationality, see Scheduled-Off.

Shutdown:  This program will shut down your computer.  You have a two (2) minute window.  Save your work.  For more funcationality, see Scheduled-Off.

Standby: This program will let your computer enter a stand-by mode, in a two (2) minute window, assuming your computer can handle it.  For more funcationality, see Scheduled-Off.

All content on this site is copyrighted 2010-2020.   But you knew that already.