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Simple Task List
Download Simple Task List 0.60

Let’s face it – one of the disadvantages of being responsible is all those things that one is required to do. Whether it is homework, an upcoming project, getting toilet paper, vehicle maintenance or changing the batteries in the smoke detector, the task of remembering to do such tasks is daunting.

Some people attempt to remember things via a to-do list. The problem with to-do lists is that tasks are not categorized. The problem with personal information managers (PIM) is that they overwhelm the user – they want an email list, phone numbers and create tasks that repeat on the 2nd Tuesday of every month but not during a leap year. So the solutions are either too much or too little.

So I decided to try to solve this from a different point of view: less complicated than your standard PIM but more functional than a slip of scratch paper.

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Download Simple Task List 0.60

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