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Simple Internet Status

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Quick – What’s your Internet (IP) Address? What’s your DNS server? Unless you actively set your online connectivity, or have some desktop tool, you do not know. Power users can figure out an IP address but the DNS server is not so easy to get. Enter Simple Internet Status.

Simple Internet Status

Nothing too complicated. Simple Internet Status (SIS) will inform the user of the Internal IP address, the External IP address and the primary DNS server.

Non-route-able IP addresses - What about an address in this range?

What this means is that these machines are not (easily) reachable from the external internet. Typically these are used for internal networks such as a home or a business. A printer should be reachable by those inside the network but not exposed to the entire world. One would suddenly find their toner ink all used up. 😊


SIS Homepage: The page you are currently reading.

Check for Updates: See if there is a newer version of SIS available.

Cleanup and Exit: Closes the program.

IPv4: This shows the IPv4 addresses which is reported by Windows and by two (2) webaites which offer IPv4 lookups.

IPv6: This shows the IPv6 addresses which are being reported by Windows.

DNS: This lists the DNS serves which the computer is using.

Tech Support: Before you call your ISP's Technical Support line, do these things.  That is what your ISP support staff will tell you to do anyway, so skip a step and do these first.

Legacy Tricks: Some old tricks which were commonly used are able to be called here - for those who understand what is going on.

Download Simple Internet Status 1.0

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