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System Utilities

Classic Utilities: A collection of simple utilities I wrote for a specific purpose.  These are not intended to be updated. 

HOST This!:  Reduces online advertising and tracking from your computer.

Multi-Click Mouser: Save wear and tear on your mouse and fingers by using this utility to click the mouse many times.

No Screensavers: Run this and your screensaver will never activate.

Run At: A Simple Scheduler.  Runs your program at the appropriate time.

Scheduled-Off:  Turns off your computer at the pre-determined time.  Has multiple shutdown options.

Simple Alarm: A simple reminder program.  Displays a message at the appropriate time.

Smple Control Panel: My attempt to place system information in a simple interface.

Simple Internet Status:
Quickly and accurately determine your IP address and DNS server.

Simple Program Launcher: For those users who like all their programs in one place.

Simple Startup/One Click Maintenance:
Runs your programs sequentially - optionally runs at Startup. - Coming soon

Simple Task List: More functionality than a generic To-Do list but not as cimplicated as a Personal Information Manager.

All content on this site is copyright 2011-2021.  But you knew that already, didn't you?