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Star Wars: The Old Republic Login Assistant

Download SW:TOR Login Assistant 0.2

An online Star Wars game. How can a Star Wars fan and a gamer at heart not be interested in at least checking out this offering? So naturally playing commenced and while playing I overheard a conversation about a player with multiple accounts complaining about the login process. So after a brief discussion, I decided to see if a login assistant would be feasible in SW:TOR.

Star Wars: The Old Republic Login Assistant GUI

Download SW:TOR Login Assistant 0.2

Usage is simple. Just download SWTORLA and input your credentials. Then the login assistant will pass the credentials through to the main game.

But what about account security?

A very good point. Account credentials are stored locally in an encrypted form and are NEVER transmitted.

Also, Bioware has an account authenticator which we recommend that users employ. You can activate the authenticator at the account settings page found here.

We recommend that the authenticator be used. Not only does it protect your account, but Bioware will give your account 100 Cartel Coins every month – and who doesn’t like free stuff?

So how does this all work anyway?

Init 1, 2, and 3: Initializes user credentials 1, 2 and 3 respectively.

Log into account 1, 2 and 3: Applies the user credentials for user 1, 2 and 3 respectively to SW:TOR

Load SW:TOR: This option simply loads SW:TOR

Reset SWTORLA: Resets the program to its default state, erasing any previously stored information.

SWTORLA Homepage: The page you are seeing now.

Documentation: Your typical instructions on how things work.

Credits: Giving credit where it is due.

Download SW:TOR Login Assistant 0.2

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