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Guild Wars Helper

This is my Guild Wars Helper.  It is designed to make playing Guild Wars much easier.
Download Guild Wars Helper 1.4

Guild Wars Helper Main Screen

Guild Wars Helper Instuctions

Guild Wars Helper Spell Spammer

Like all my other programs, there are no registry writes and everything is self-contained in the ZIP archive.  

Simply download the archive and decompress it.

1. Launch Guild Wars
2. Launch Guild Wars Helper.

The program will take you through an initialization process which should take about a minute where you tell Guild Wars Helper where various controls are.

Features: Spell Spammer

Guild Wars Helper contains a spell spammner which will spam/cast a spell at a specified interval.  Essentially, if you are an Elementalist, you can place your Attunement spell(s) and every 45 seconds or so, Guild Wars Helper will cast that spell.  Note that if the aura is removed, Guild Wars Helper will cast the spell when its time has come.  

The times are user defined and you can have up to four (4) pre-sets based on character classes and/or situations.  (PvE vs PvP)  

Because of this, you can run a Minion Master Necromancer and spam Blood of the Master every 10 seconds, or 12 seconds, depending on your usage.

(Range is defined from five (5) seconds to seventy-five (75) seconds.
Features: Party Hold/Release

Mnay times, you want to pull a couple of monsters from a much larger group.  However, if one is playing with just heroes/henchmen, pulling monsters is quite difficult and manually using the flag feature is tedious.  Guild Wars Helper uses the +/- Numpad keys to simplify this process.  Hitting the '+' will gather your party to whatever spot you defined.  Hitting the '-' key will release the party.  This is perfect so you can pull a couple of monsters and have the mob waiting for them.

Features: Boxing

When Eye of the North came out, it contained a few mini-games.  One of them are the boxing quests.   When knocked down, I had no problems getting back up.  However my wife would have trouble doing the quests by herself, usually asking me to help her 'get up' when she would be knocked down.  Hitting the '8' key 30 times in a few seconds seems like a waste of things, and can't be good for the keyboard.  So, I wrote a routine to get up for you.  Hitting Control-8 will send a series of '8's so that you can get up, making the boxing quests easier to complete.

Caution: This is not intended for the PvP aspect of Guild Wars.  Many would consider this abject cheating and ArenaNet could ban your account for having a 'bot'.  You have been warned.

Features: Party Select

Healing Monks are high demand in any party situation.  However. playing a healing monk (or other professions which primary heal or buff other party members) is difficult.  Guild Wars Helper has made it so that you can hit the player number (numpad 1-8) and then the spell you wish to cast on this individual.  This makes it so that you more efficient in spell casting and no one will complain about your healing abilities.

Features: Left Control is the same as Left-Clicking

This is done as a way to save your physical mouse.  If you want to "ping your build"; just hit pause which will stop this feature.  Control-Click to send your build, and then un-pause to resume this feature.

Features: Leech Mode

Believe it or not, this actually was requested.  So, pressing the Numpad-dot (or period) will activate the Leech Mode.

What is leech mode?  You select the party member you wish to follow around the map, turn leech mode on, and you can step away from the computer.  Every eight (8) seconds, the space bar will be pressed which makes you run towards that party member.

There is a countdown time on the top of the screen indicating how long until the next press.

WARNING!  This feature is called Leech because of a lack of a better word.  If you try this on unsuspecting parties, you might find yourself in dire straits.  Healers may neglect healing leeching party members.

Features: PANIC!

Another requested feature.  This activates an escape feature where hitting Alt-G will send you to your Guild Hall.  Good for leaving inept parties and escaping death.

WARNING!  While this feature will send you to your Guild Hall, because the game is run on Arena Net's servers, the command to send you to your Guild Hall might not have occured soon enough to prevent your death.  So those seeking the Survivor Track should not depend on this solely to keep them alive.
 Download Guild Wars Helper 1.4
All content on this site is copyrighted 2010-2020.  But you knew that already.