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Diablo 2 Helper

This is my Diablo II Helper.  It is designed to make playing Diablo II much easier.
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Diablo 2 Helper

As typical with my programs, this one writes nothing to the registry.  It's a standalone executable.  Just download and run.

The Diablo II Helper sets a few macros to spam spells so you, the player, do not have to change spells to cast them.  So a Barbarian can cast all his shouts, a Druid can cast all his minions, and so on. 

Pressing the RIGHT-CONTROL Key will cast whatever spells are assigned to the F12, F11, F10 and F9 keys respectively.  It will also hit F1 when done.  Useful to cast before exploring a cave or walking through a door.

Pressing the RIGHT-ALT key is the PANIC button.  You place your Town Portal Spell on F8.  Then, Pressing the RIGHT-ALT key will cast your town portal spell and the Diablo II Helper will attempt to walk through the portal.  This feature is not 100% perfect; nor can I make it easily make it so.  Known limitations are as follows:
Therefore, while this is a very useful macro; it is not a failsafe and Harcore characters can die if solely using this to keep alive.

The 1, 2, 3, and 4 buttons over the QWERTY keys will give your character the potion in belt slots 1, 2, 3, and 4.  Yes, I know Diablo 2 already did that.  But I tell you this so you can see why I chose the rest:

The 5, and 6 keys will click and right-click, respectively,  where the cursor is on the screen.  Useful for bashing a Boss monster or casting 83 fireballs in rapid succession versus holding down the appropriate mouse button.

The 7, 8, 9, and 0 buttons will give your HELP, or meat shield, the appropriate potion in belt slots 1, 2, 3, and 4.  Yes, I know Diablo 2 could do that with the SHIFT{1-4} keys.  But that requires some skill to pull off, my method is easier.

The Period (.) will cast the F5, F6 and F7 spells respectively.

The Comma (,) will cast the F5 and F6 spells respectively.  These are useful for quick casting of select spells, like a Golem and Bone Shield, or some combat shouts, like Stun and Taunt.

Cast Delay:
I originally used the Sorceress to time the spells, and a Barbarian confirmed the timing.  Then, we a had a friend who plays a Druid try this and we knew the timing had to be changed.  However, the longer delay had unintended consequences for the Sorceress and Barbarian, so I decided to have a choice of the two speeds, based on the character being played that instance.

Download Diablo 2 Helper 1.41

All content on this site is copyrighted by Phil the Thrill 2010-2020.  But you knew that already.