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Build Templates

So we finally get a release date for equipment and skill templates – October 29. So what does that mean for you?

For the uninitiated, what that means is that you will be able to save your build, share your build and try ou new builds from chat or from a website. This long wished for feature will make raiding easier for some as it will allow others to quickly share a build for those players who wish to join but do not have experience. Having a properly recognized build will lower the bar to entry.

Being able to save your build will make it easier to try out other builds and experiment – especially when there is a balance update or a skill tweak.

So how will it work?

So what does this mean for you and what can you do to prepare for it?

Assess your needs. If you only play one character or only play a specific build, then this will be of little use for you. But if you raid, wvw, and like to experiment – then this is something to look into.

Since this essentially is a semi-permanent equipment storage, you can use this for storing those multiple sets of armor and weapons. But you have legendary armor or equipment, it will be shared across characters and you will be able to swap easily.

So if you are working on, or planning to work on legendaries, having it completed by the end of the month seems like a good idea. This can be weapons, armor, sigils or runes.

If you plan on purchasing more than the few you are given, there will be a freebie from the gem store, then purchasing gems or exchanging for gems now would be a good idea to get a slightly better deal than on release day.

2020 Update

We’ve not been able to get this feature to work properly, sadly. Not as intended anyway.

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