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Why Everyone Needs a Personal Guild

:: 2020 Update ::

Since this post was written, ArenaNet has increased the costs of obtaining and upgrading a guild making the concept of using a personal guild as additional storage not as economical as before.

Guild: A guild is an association of artisans or merchants who control the practice of their craft in a particular town.

We play the game. It has GUILD in the title. We probably are members of a large (100+) guild. So why would I even dare to claim that we need a personal or one (1) person guild?

Because one of the properties of the guild is guild storage. That is what we are interested in.

Many MMO games deliberately skimp out on the amount of storage players are offered. This is done not so much as a means to save database space but so the game maker can make real world cash by offering more space. After all, it is a micro-payment that won’t give one player an advantage over another player.

Guild Wars 2 (GW2) starts you off with thirty banks slots and thirty-two (32) initial inventory spots per character. This sounds like a lot when you start the game, especially when you consider that GW2 offers a generous 250 per material slot, which also does not count against your inventory. But as we all know, that quickly fills up. Salvage kits and gathering tools take up character space. Going for that legendary requires even more slots for the intermediary ingredients. Yikes! No wonder we need more storage!

For Guild Wars 2, a bank tab of thirty (30) slots costs 600 gems or $7.50. This is $0.25 per slot. That doesn’t sound like a lot but an additional one-hundred (100) slots means an investment of $25. Ouch!

This is where your personal guild comes into play. You can get an additional fifty (50), one hundred (100) and one hundred (100) additional slots in three (3) at a far cheaper cost. Here is how it works:

Step 1: Create your guild.

    You need to stand-down from your current guild and spend one (1) gold to register your name.

Step 2: Begin research on Architecture Level 1.

    This costs 500 influence and at 20 copper per influence point, this will cost one (1) gold and take sixteen (16) hours to build.

Step 3: Begin research on Architecture Level 2.

    This one costs 1,000 influence, costing two (2) gold, and takes thirty-two (32) hours to build.

Step 4: Begin research on Guild Stash.

    1,000 influence and two (2) later, a fifty (50) slot bank will appear.

So for six (6) gold and waiting a few days, you now have an additional 50 slots. Isn’t this much better?

For an additional one hundred (100) slots:

    Architecture 3 and 4 and Guild Treasure Trove will cost 20,000 influence, costing forty (40) gold and takes an additional two (2) weeks.

For those who really need all the storage they can get:

    Architecture 5 and Deep Cave will cost 30,000 influence, costing sixty (60) gold and will take an additional 2 weeks.


You only need to represent your personal guild while you are doing your upgrades. So you don’t have to leave your 100% representation requirement guild.

Account-bound items can not be stored in the guild storage. Annoying but you can stuff anything which can be sold on the trading post, so you can store all your stacks of ectoplasm, dust, etc while working on your legendary.

There is a limit of 1,000 gold per level so only 3,000 gold is the maximum that can be stored there.

As you can see, while there are restrictions to what you can do with your personal guild stash, it is a more inexpensive way to hoard your treasure than using real world cash.

All content is copyrighted 2011-2020.  But you knew that already, didn't you?