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Random Observations

One of the underappreciated traits of gamers is that gamers notice things. I’m not referring to big obvious things like a pink elephant trying to hide in a desert – although you’d be surprised how many would miss something like that. I’m referring to the smaller things that would go unnoticed by others. We’ve noticed two (2) things which are so insignificant they do not even warrant an entry in the patch nodes but we feel these need a mention anyway.

1. When ArenaNet made their decision to release No Quarter without any voice acting, we understood. We players would rather play new content without voice acting than wait weeks, possibly months, before a new episode. Imagine the dilemma ArenaNet would have faced if episode 4 was ready to launch and No Quarter was still on hold waiting for voice acting?

So it struck us as a pleasant surprise when doing a home instance run in Black Citadel and hearing new casual conversations. Granted, these conversations are nothing special in of themselves but still – it is something we notice and we think it should be acknowledged.

2. For those who farm flax for gold, the Glyph of Bounty is an absolute must. Gaining extra strikes on nodes is great for maximizing resources gained. The problem is that there is an extra animation swing to get that extra bounty. For instance, a tree gives three (3) wood. If the bounty glyph activates – which happens a lot for a tree or rock node – one must swing again to get that extra 1-3 wood or ore. Annoying actually and detracts from game play. With an animation time of seven (7) seconds, one starts to ponder the wisdom of having a Bounty Glyph.

So we are pleasantly surprised to notice that the bounty glyph will now gather any and all resources in just one swing. We’ve confirmed that this quality of life issue works for all gathering boosts up to the hard cap limit per node. So, if you were pondering purchasing this glyph, go ahead and do so. You will not regret it.

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