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How a Pandemic affects Guild Wars 2 - Part 1 of 2

Let’s be real here - we’ve all been affected by the beer virus, otherwise known as COVID19 or the Coronavirus. Schools have been closed. Concerts have been canceled. Even professional sports has had their leagues either end their seasons or postpone competition. Some countries have essentially shutdown – the only things being permitted to open are grocery stores and pharmacies.

Here is the United States, we are being told that social distancing should be practiced for eight (8) weeks. The idea of everyone being isolated for two (2) months is definitely not a pleasant idea. But the reality will set in – what will people do? With movies, theaters, casinos, and restaurants all closed, why go out at all?

With everyone staying inside, what are people going to do? Binge-watching will be common – and we hope the Internet can handle the additional stress. But what about us who play Guild Wars 2? What will you being doing?

Sure, ArenaNet will be releasing new content. There will be seasonal content. But if one is bored to the point of clawing one’s own eyes out, what can one do in Guild Wars 2? That is what we will discuss. This post will discuss established players and the next post will deal with new players.

So what should the established player be doing?

How a Pandemic affects Guild Wars 2 - Part 2 of 2

With this global beer virus pandemic running around and causing panic unseen, we here at Feline Airlines decided to take a look at how being indoors all the time would change the way experienced players approached playing Guild Wars 2. Today we are look at the other side – the new player, the inexperienced player – who now is getting into the game because quite frankly, there isn’t anything else to do and watching TV is too passive an activity.

We here at Feline Airlines tend to think a little differently that the standard affair. Sure you can search for beginner guides on the web or watch videos teaching basic game play and some tidbits here and there. Most of them will say something more or less like the following:

How depressing. This has just turned what should be a fun experience and a necessary diversion into a part time job with duties and responsibilities – listed in no particular order.

So what do you think? Veteran players post your comments below. New players, ask your questions.
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