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Why You Should Be in a Large Guild

In the realm of gamers, we are a strange lot. We play a game called “Guild Wars” but when was the last time you saw a guild battle, fight or even spar with another guild? Not only that, there is no mechanism where one guild COULD spar with another guild.

Even stranger is that quite a few players shun the concept of even joining a guild in the first place. These players prefer to go it alone for whatever reason. They may be loners, may have friends who are not gamers or have such an odd schedule that playing consistently with others is a challenge. Which is understandable; but to not even join a guild?

Then you have those who either have a personal guild, or have joined a small friends-only guild. (Small being defined as less than 10 members.) Usually these are those players who only play with a select few.

But to fully appreciate what guilds can do, one needs to be part of a large guild, and hopefully Feline Airlines in particular. Shall we list some ways?

Let’s start with the obvious selfish reason: access to guild nodes. Let’s be realistic: Guild nodes are expensive. Ore 1 costs 50 of each upgrade, as well as 200 copper; 200 iron; 5 empyreal stars and 25 ectos. That’s an expensive way to give your guild hall the ability to harvest 1 copper and 1 iron ore (on average) per day. Lumber 1 requires a stack of green wood planks, a stack of soft wood planks and 50 ectos as well as some miscellaneous stuff. Again, just for the privilege of harvesting 1 green wood and 1 soft wood log per day.

A large guild can defray these costs by splitting these costs among many members instead of just a few… or the one.

But you may say that you do not mind the costs. That it is a point of pride to have your very own guild. Fair enough. I understand that some people want the challenge, or make it a point of pride. However, guilds are not meant to be fully developed by a small number of members.

For instance, the upgrades for the tavern, workshop, mine, arena and war room are tremendous. Four stacks of mithril ingots and elder wood planks per upgrade which then allows the guild to opportunity to devote a lot more resources to upgrades which make you question your sanity. It's a lot more manageable to come up with 1,000 elder wood planks when a guild has 100 members instead of 3.

Another selfish reason to join a large guild is access to guild enhancements. These 24 hour buffs give anywhere from a 3% to a 10% boost to whatever it is that the enhancement is enhancing. These buffs are not cheap. They require a prerequisite building as well as the materials for the buff itself. All of this for a 3% increase?

Enough of the economic arguments. Are there other reasons to join a large guild?

I’m glad you asked. Of course there are. (Would I be writing this otherwise?) Which of course is the answer. I can hear your confusion now… The ability to ask questions and ask for help can be quite beneficial and why you should join a large guild. Sure, you can ask questions in map chat and maybe you can use the Looking for Game feature to find others but your results will be hit and miss. It may be difficult to find a random person to assist you in an obscure quest. Having a guildie or three with you makes things much easier.

It’s not just for random achievements either. Guild missions can only be done by guilds and the only way to get those associated shinies. There are guilds which specialize in WvW, PvP and raiding for those players who desire those associated goodies.

Finally, let’s be blunt. While guild halls are nice, they are rather bland. They need some decorations to spruce them up. While some of the decorations are fairly inexpensive, some of them are very expensive and some are extremely difficult to obtain.

So whatever your reason for playing, there is a reason to join a large guild. Since one can be a member of five (5) guilds simultaneously, one doesn’t have to feel like they are disrespecting friends or showing favoritism. We at Feline Airlines understand that and do not have Mandatory Representing requirements. Our only requirements are that you care about the well-being of the guild and actively help in maintaining and growing the guild.

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