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Key Farming

Black Lion Chest Keys (BLCK). We seem to have a love-hate relation with them. Some players hate these items because these items are offered for sale on the gem store and these players can not - or will not - ever purchase virtual items for a game using real world money. Other players love BLCK because they have the feel of the ultimate drop.

Regardless of which side of the love-hate relationship you are on, BLCK are not strictly a gem store purchase. While true that these are super-rare drops and one can play for a very long time and never see one, there are other ways to obtain them.

Long time players remember a time when "key farming" was en vogue. When a character does their personal story, one of the rewards from completing chapter 1 was a BLCK. Some hardcore players would create a character, complete chapter 1 of the personal story, delete the character and start over again. We've heard stories that this could be done in under an hour and one can rack up many such keys in a short amount of time.

While this has been nerfed - the key will only be rewarded once per week - it is still something to consider. These chests are the only way to get certain items and some of the items from the chest have some real value.

We're not going to go into much more detail about key farming here. The wiki has an excellent page on that.

What we want to do is give you some ideas on how to make key farming more enjoyable if this is something you wish to do in your weekly gaming experience.

Doing the same thing over and over again - even for something you desire - gets boring pretty quickly. So if you are going to key farm, don't just stick to the human commoner story like the wiki suggests. Go do the other races. Their stories have the same amount of parts to them and there is lore which you may not have been aware of.

In that same vein, try different professions. Don't just stick to what you already know. There are nine (9) professions in the game. At least try them out and see if it is something you could enjoy.

Make different choices. In each of the racial storylines, there is at least one (1) choice which must be made. Choose the other. Again, if you are going to be doing this, at least get some enjoyment from "new content."

Finally, you do not have to use your BLCK immediately. If you do not like the current season's offerings, save them up for next season.

All content is copyrighted 2011-2020.  But you knew that already, didn't you?