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Grim Reaping

The finale of season 4 is out - War Eternal. In the initial days of its release, we have found a plethora of information on the skyscale mount. This would make sense since players desire the new mount.

However, we here at Feline Airlines like to do things a little differently. We look at things that are not obvious. Today we are going to look at a new set of gathering tools that at the time of this writing, do not even have a wiki page - the Reaper's Gathering tools.

This tool is unique in that it will gather from all similar nodes in a certain range. In other words, you go to a flax farm and the Reaper's Sickle will gather all the flax nodes in one swipe. As you can imagine, this is an interesting item.

As of now, this is only a limited tool meaning it has charges. You can purchase these items for karma only from the gathering tool karma merchant found in the usual places.

Our initial testing shows that the range is a healthy 900 so an 1800 diameter is not insignificant. Charges are consumed for all nodes affected. So if you go to the elder tree node in Malcolm's Leap, it will consume 15 charges even though you swung 3 times. (5 trees at 3 swipes per) There is no penalty if there is only 1 node in its radius.

Unlike other gathering tools, these do not have a glyph slot. This drastically reduces their desirability.

As you would expect, places where there are several nodes would take advantage of the reaper gathering tools. These include plant farms, home instances, the guild hall nodes and the occasional location that are rich in materials.

So what is the bottom line?

We feel that this is situational at best. Apart from the aforementioned places, nodes in the open world are too far apart for this to be useful. The lack of glyphs further decreases their value.

That said, if one does not have a gathering glyph then these tools are worth considering. Even if one has infinite gathering tools, the time saved when doing daily gathering can be worth it.

We do believe that this development is definitely worth watching. Glyphs probably will be added later as well as an infinite version of these tools. Once that has been done, these just may be the best of the lot.

2020 Update

This ability has been converted into the Glyph of Reaping. At the time of this update, it is account bound. The ability to very quickly gather resources is great in those time crunch situations.

The reality that this is a souped up version of the Glyph of Industry. The time advantage is pleasant. But as good as this is, with all the 33% chance to obtain X glyphs in existence, this doesn’t compare.

Example: Take a home instance trees for example. All are wthin the 900 radius. There are six (6) trees giving three (3) chops each – using up 18 charges at once. Doing this in 7 seconds is much faster than minute it normally would.

But at what cost? Using a 33% chance to get X glyph does increase the time but you will also average six (6) “hits”. Those could be tier 5 leather or elder wood or even sprockets. Is the speed increase worth the in-game material cost?

All content is copyrighted 2011-2020.  But you knew that already, didn't you?