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The Forgotten Currency

In the real world, a unified currency is inevitable. This was one of the main reasons for the creation of the European Union. No longer would citizens and merchants have currencies from a half dozen countries just hanging around doing basically nothing.

In the digital gaming world, this is not so much a worry. We all understand the concept of in-game gold and some premium currency - gems in GW2 - where real world money can be exchanged for digital currency.

In GW2, it does not stop there. There are dungeon currencies, map specific currencies, living world season specific currencies, and fractal currencies to just name a few. The wallet feature contains 45 different currencies and this doesn't include those which should be there but are not.

Why so many currencies? This is a design choice game creators make. Imagine this; if there was a single unified currency, then if anything "broken" came out - either because it was easily soloable, "bot-able" or quick to do (Fractal 40 before an update could be in literally a couple of minutes and for a time was a reliable way to make cash) - then anything you could ever desire in a game could be simply purchased for said unified currency - typically gold.

Imagine being able to purchase every dungeon armor, pvp weapon set, etc just for in-game cash - done by repeating something unrelated. The appeal of these specific items loses its uniqueness. So game creators make all these currencies to justify different skins, items and to incentivize players to play specific content.

So what is this forgotten currency? Guild commendations. We know. These days with most players training their dragon fledglings or trying to seek out Vision, how can a currency which has been around since Day 1 have any relevance today?

Surprisingly, more than you might think. One can purchase exotic weapons and ascended trinkets from guild commendation merchants. One can also purchase festival goodies using said currency. Ok, festival clouds, trick or treat bags or Wintersday gifts may not be all that enticing but what about Divine Lucky Envelopes? Does ascended accessories sound appealing? What about crystalline ore?

Next time you are gathering the guild hall nodes, pay a visit to the guild commendation trader and see what he is offering that day.

Oh, if by some chance you do not have enough guild commendations, ALL members have the ability to start guild missions. All we ask is to announce in the guild so that other members have a chance to join.

All material on this website is covered under copyright laws 2011-2020. But you knew that already, didn't you?