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A New Look at Dailies

In a recent post, we lamented how dailies are destroying games by creating incentives to play previously played content instead of creating incentives to play new content. In this episode, we are going to look at the other side of dailies – how to make the dailies work to your advantage.

The first question we should discuss is why do dailies in the first place. The simple answer is the reward; two (2) gold. It’s not a trivial amount. Sixty (60) gold over the course of a month is worthwhile.

Some may argue that there are quicker and easier ways to obtain gold. That’s a discussion for another day but their main point is that in order for the two (2) gold to be worthwhile, it needs to be received fairly quickly.

So for the remainder of this article, we will discuss the various dailies and which ones should be done in order to get the two (2) gold as quickly as possible.

Player vs Environment - PvE

Perhaps the most common of daily completions come from the PvE set. As you would expect, some are easier than others:

Easy/Quick to do:

Others not so much

Player vs Player – PvP

Easy to do:

Others not so much:

World vs World – WvW

Easy to do:

Not so simple to do:

As you were going through the list, you may have noticed a trend. Yes, some are trivial to do – both in terms of difficulty and length of time required and there are those not so trivial to do. If you look at the dailies list for any day, there is typically two (2) easy to do entries and two (2) not so easy to do dailies.

So why not simply do all the easy ones and be done with it?

Excellent question and our point actually. Many players actually do that. What scares off many players from this strategy is the hatred of Player vs Player (PvP) combat. They fear it. They know they are not good so they stay away from the whole thing, choosing to go without the two (2) gold or spending time – wasting time actually – on useless content.

2020 Update

This really hasn’t changed too much. One just needs to be aware of the specific dailies when doing this. While ideally one would like to be able to do the dailies in under 30 minutes, 45 minutes is more realistic. You do not want an internet hangup, a clogged map or other random factors to penalize you.

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