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Genetically Altered Plant Nodes

One of our members discovered some odd behavior with plant nodes. So naturally we decided to investigate and we indeed discovered some odd behavior . However, let’s start with what would be considered normal behavior.

When one gathers a plant node, you get one swipe and get one reward. If one has a 33% chance for X, the server will make a roll to see if X is rewarded. If one has the bounty glyph, then there is a 33% chance for another swipe, to a hard-coded maximum of four (4).

Something changed in a recent update. Now, it is possible for the bounty glyph to generate a 2nd gathering success without that 2nd swipe. You can see this in action at the plant nodes in the guild hall and at the flax farm.

So what is the new behavior? A sickle with a bounty glyph can swing once but have two (2) outputs. We’ve seen the rare two swipe plant node with the bounty glyph giving three (3) successes and it appears possible a 4th success is possible. We would suspect the swipe is now hard-coded to two (2) swipes now.

So why would ArenaNet make such a change? We believe the answer lies in server optimization. The glyph says a 33% chance for an extra swipe, but would it detract from the game experience if the results of that 2nd swipe were included in one swipe?

So what’s the bottom line?

Bounty glyphs are now more valuable. Having a pseudo-glyph-of-the-timekeeper built in makes gathering easier – especially flax farming. But at 280 gold (at the time of this writing), it is not worth purchasing just for the additional effect. However, if one was pondering purchasing one, this new ability makes the decision easier.

In case you were wondering, we have checked to see if the bounty glyph interaction has any different effect on trees or ore nodes. We have not noticed any optimizations there.

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