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Are you excited about Heart of Thorns? Of course you are. What’s not to get excited about? New Legendaries. A new story. Raids. Precursors which are unlocked by collecting items and doing achievements. With a plethora of things to look forward to, what are you going to do first?

I have a suggestion. Of course I do, otherwise I wouldn’t be writing this. The first thing you should unlock is auto-loot.

Huh? Auto-loot? One of the most boring rewards in the game and you are saying I should unlock it first? Why?

I am glad you asked.

First off, what is auto-loot? It is an unlock that gives you the ability such that when a monster drops loot, you no longer have to press ‘F’ to pick it up.

I agree. It doesn’t sound sexy. Just functional. Just imagine running through an area, randomly damaging monsters and should they eventually die, any drops automatically appear in your inventory.

In of itself, it is an intriguing idea but there is another reason.

I am also taking into account the time of year. October 23 is smack in the Halloween buildup and does anyone really think that the Halloween events will not be back? Can you imagine running through Mad King’s Labyrinth and not worrying abut missing any drops? Not having to press ‘F’ every now and then on the off-chance you will get a nice drop will be a nice thing to have and one less thing to worry about. And you’ll never miss out on any world boss loot because you forgot to press ‘F’.

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